August Newsletter
Well another symposium has been and gone. I was a day visitor only this year and it felt so strange not to be immersed in all things quilting but those that did attend report favourably in the main. The one good thing is that most have already registered to Quilt Manawatu in 18 months and are looking forward to Christchurch in 2017.
While I was down there I picked up a piece of fabric for the Hoffman Challenge. Have never entered that before but am a great believer in
'challenging' myself with different techniques and styles. Should be interesting. The results are announced at the Braided Ribbons symposium in Ashburton next April. As I am teaching there I will be able to see how my work compares.
My Magic Carpet quilt pictured here won a merit award at the Taupo Symposium and so I had to go stand and smile at it.
Now it is on to Hamilton for the next big quilt show (Craft and Quilt Fair Sept 5-8).
Dianne Clark is the lucky draw winner of the fabric pack from last month's newsletter. Dianne can you please remind me of your address so I can get a squishy in the post. For your chance to win leave a comment below.
The Pumpkin Patch is definitely in a holding pattern for these colder months. All the rose and fruit tree pruning has been done. I'm halfway round with the weed spraying and only just starting on the mulching. As always good things take time and the right weather. The first of the daffodils are showing their bright cheerful faces under the lavender bushes.
The Pumpkin Bread came off the Chopping Block this month thanks to Judy in Whitianga.
Had a fabulous time at the symposium this year! Was so keen to go that I got the dates wrong and went to Taupo in JUNE!!! Was my face red! Any how I went back in July and surprisingly everyone else was there this time!!!
All have a good laugh... I know I did
Symposium was wonderful, my second - great classes, tutors, people to meet and share with. Natalie, your Magic Carpet is awesome.
Natalie your Magic Carpet is magnificent I would love to see it in Ashburton, looking forward to taking a class with you, but I did love being your angle.
Unfortunately as things turned out at the last minute I was not able to attend symposium. I was really looking forward to the inspiration the event would have offered. I'll just have to make sure I visit more regional events to make up. My real ambition though is to attend a quilt retreat someday. If only my friends liked to quilt.
And Natalie I love your quilts, the Campbells are Coming is a favourite as is the Magic Carpet.
Natalie, loved your newsletter.
Being a lover of Oriental carpets, I
just loved this Magic Carpet quilt. I am inspired to make one!
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