Wholly Quilts July Newsletter
I have to tell you all what a fun time I had yesterday.
My local club, Patchworkers Unlimited based in Turua, held their birthday party here at Wholly Quilts. We were all asked to bring our first quilt with us. These were put in a pile and then each one was held up for us to guess at the maker and then hear the stories about them. Many were sampler quilts, some were pieced on papers, quite a few had polyester sheets as backings but all demonstrated how far our quilting journeys have taken us.
Funny how we immediately tried to match the old, faded ones with the older members in the group – not always rightJ!!
It was also a great way to find out more about the various members of our group.
Pumpkin Patch
My garden is now definitely into winter mode with the bare gaps in the backyard looking more suitable for rice paddies than anything else (maybe next year!!).
It is still The Best Thing To Do to go out and pick all the vegetables for the weekend – potatoes, carrots, beetroot, greens including silver beet, rocket, mustard, peas and then there are all the herbs, chili and limes and lemons. How spoilt am I?
My orange trees are only small but I think a retreater knew that when she turned up last weekend with a big bag of fruit to make marmalade. Obviously I don’t get a break from the stove just yet.
Wholly Quilts Retreats
Have had several new quilters sign up for this newsletter so thought I time to tell you all about a retreat here at Wholly Quilts.
I offer warm, quilted accommodation (four to a room); home cooked meals that are seasonal, nutritious and calorie-free (as is all good food shared with good friends) and can include any dietary requirements; a studio that continues to be as inspirational in its stitching designation as it was as a church and all this within an easy drive of Auckland or Hamilton (no more than 90 minutes to either).
I have been teaching all things quilting for over 18 years so you can come do a class do your own thing or get out of a fix with my help.
Most retreaters arrive Friday evening for a soup supper and stay through to Sunday afternoon. The cost has been held at $165 per person which includes all meals, bed linen and quilting help.
You are all very welcome to come share my place on the Hauraki Plains for a weekend (or any other two days)
Natalie Murdoch
Wholly Quilts
Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678
http://patchnat.blogspot.com/ - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...
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