Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Wholly Quilts September Newsletter

Wholly Quilts September Newsletter




Oh how I wish I had a better reason than age (and maybe sometimes occasionally a touch of alcohol) to blame on losing words. You all know what I mean!

There I was enjoying good food and wine with good friends and do you think I/we could find the right word. Friends were all of a similar age too but we had to wait for the late arrival of ‘son and younger brain’ to tell us you didn’t ‘embellish’ food. Mind you his lovely gal came up with ‘flourish’ before Jared put us all out of our misery with ‘garnish’. However I think, as a committed quilter ‘embellish’ is absolutely appropriate. Just as Lou thinks Jared finishes his creations off with a ‘flourish’.


The penultimate part of The Project goes out with this newsletter and I have already put the (slightly stretched and worn – see above) thinking cap on. I am quite excited about The Second Project and will tell you more as it evolves. Watch for the details and launch at the beginning of November.


You only have four weeks now to get your Prayer Flag in for contention. The best one wins a free Retreat at Wholly Quilts. Just to remind you the dimensions are (triangular) 15 inches across the top, 18 inches long and two inches on the point. They can me made any way you fancy but must be three layers (so they retain their form in the breeze) and have three one inch long loops sewn across the top (for hanging).


Sew n Soup sort of took a holiday during the winter months so now with longer evenings and better weather we will go again. On Friday September 25 at 5pm-ish to whenever we will have a go at Ooey Gooey Hugs, a quilt that has evolved from Ooey Gooey Hearts and I love it. In fact when I made the prototype I used up all, every single one of those five-inch swatches that have been hanging around for years and it does not matter if they are not exactly the correct size!

Cost of SnS is $20. Please let the catering department know.


In the interests of me practising my new classes on you I am going to start again with the Tuesday afternoon 1-3pm sessions. The first up is a One Fabric/One Patch class so if you want to join in, ask for the requirements.

Cost $10





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576



http://patchnat.blogspot.com/ - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...