Friday, April 03, 2009

Wholly Quilts newsletter

April Newsletter




I have had so many enquiries since I got back from my OE about Wholly Quilts and what goes on here that I thought I would bring you all up to date. It is so exciting – I love sharing my place and my space with you.



These are generally held over a weekend starting with a soup supper on Friday night through to Sunday afternoons. Cooking (especially for other people) is right up there with quilting and gardening as occupations I am passionate about. Many of the comments in my visitors’ book are about food and not quilting so … enjoy the best of local and seasonal food with me.

You can choose to work on your own quilty things over the weekend; do a structured class with me (most of my classes are on my cv pages on my website ; bring along any problem projects to get sorted or come with an open mind and be inspired to do something different. Maybe even start on an art quilt.

The classes are held in my studio which is a little old brick church or on the verandah, weather permitting. It is a most inspirational place to work.

I have been teaching quilting for 15 years including the last six national symposia, for guilds and clubs around the North Island and at night classes.

My gardening and cooking skills have not received any where near as many accolades as my quilts but I am working on that.

So for a cost of $165 per person you get two nights accommodation, you get fed regularly and well and you get as much guidance as your quilting needs.



I teach at my place or yours.

Generally the classes here are as required. I charge $50 per person for a day-long class that includes a country-style lunch.

Tuesday afternoons are available for a quilting bee. Again you can bring your own project, start a new one or just be inspired. Cost is $10 for a two-hour session.

The last Friday night of each month is set aside for Sew n Soup. I set a project for the night and you get a soup supper for $20 each. However there are always exceptions to this plan and I can see a couple coming up in the coming months.


I am off to Wellington Symposium next week and that is really exciting too. I have three quilts in the exhibitions and am teaching for four days. I do hope I get to put more faces to names while I am there.

My old home town of Nelson beckons after so I will be spending a few days with my sister before heading home – I could get to like holiday mode!


I reminder here for any of you that haven’t yet enrolled for Hamilton’s mini-symposium In Stitches. I am teaching for three days there over Queen’s Birthday weekend.


Part 8 of The Project is going out with this newsletter just to keep you all out of mischief.





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...