Monday, November 30, 2009

Wholly Quilts newsletter

Wholly Quilts December Newsletter



The pohutakawas up the Thames Coast are all flowering – summer must be here or Christmas is close. Either/or it is a great time of the year.

I am planning a holiday scrap quilt. When I had a proper job way back each summer break I would dive into my scrap basket and produce a quilt from there only. You all know that scrap baskets are wondrous things – the more you take from it the more it grows – I kid you not. Anyway haven’t made a holiday scrappy for over 10 years so here goes.

Having just typed that I can’t believe it is that long since I retired to play with quilting. I must have been having fun.


I big announcement – winner of the Prayer Flag competition is drrr-rum rrroll – Phyllis Chapman. I look forward to having you spend a weekend retreat with me.


I am sending out the first class of the Quilted Sampler today. So it you want it and haven’t let me know get in quick. If you had let me know and don’t receive it then drop me a line.

It is the hand stitching installment so you can take it on holiday with you.


I have been asked by a couple of clubs to do a block of the month sampler quilt for next year and have been working on that.

The Lime Spritzer will go something like this:

Each month (x9) I will send out a block pattern and some lime green fabric. Each participant will make their own block in their own colours. I have chosen lime because it works so wonderfully with green/blue, green/red for Christmas, black/white or other citrus colours. It will be your choice.

The cost will be $2 per person per month if I do a bulk mail out (ie eight or more people) or $2.50 for snail mail to individuals.

At the end of the nine months I will give you several setting options and you will have a lovely quilt.


Summer Picnic in the Courtyard

After the holidays and to get you back into some good quilting habits I am holding a Summer Picnic at my place on Saturday January 23. Bring your sewing, a shared picnic and come have a day of sun and surprises. Raffles and giveaways start at 10.30am. RSVP would be nice.


My wish for you this Festive Season and in to a new year is that whatever your dreams and hopes are may they come true.


I look forward to seeing you at my place in 2010









Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

wholly quilts

Wholly Quilts November Newsletter

I have a confession to make – I eat McD's burgers – but wait there's more.
When driving to Auckland last week I had a giggle about some young fellas
being arrested in the States for 'rapping' their order at McDonalds (only in
the US of A!!) and it did nudge me towards buying a burger for lunch. I am
pleased the burger police weren't on duty though cos I drove in and gaily
ordered a 'fat quarter' if you please. Got it right the second time J

I have now seen eight completed Projects – they are all wonderful and so
very different. Have you been tempted into signing up to the next one – The
Sampler Project?
As before the cost is $5 per month but will only run for eight months so
will cost a total of $35. Techniques covered in the monthly lesson include
foundation piecing, embroidery, appliqué, positive/negative appliqué and
The Quilted Sampler measures approximately 30x14 inches. I have done it in
New Zealand colours (about a fat quarter of the three main ones) but that
would be your choice.
The first 'class' was meant to go out this week but it would be too
confusing (for me) cos I know of several quilters who want to be involved
but haven't told me 'officially' so will wait until Christmas to give you
the first. It will be the hand stitching instalment so you can take it on
holiday with you.

Bookings for next year are coming in now so be in quick. The cost for a
weekend is $165 per person and includes all meals, accommodation and
teaching from Friday night to Sunday afternoon – I'd love to see you here at
my place.

The coming weekend is Big on the northern quilting scene:
My local group the Plains' Patchworkers are holding their exhibition on
Saturday and Sunday in the Ngatea Memorial Hall and then there is Calico
Christmas at the North Shore stadium, Thursday to Sunday.

Natalie Murdoch
Wholly Quilts
9 Church Rd
Mangatarata 3576

ph 07 8673 085
0210 2231 678

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Wholly Quilts




Wholly Quilts October Newsletter



When I was in England (it seems like light years ago) I saw some beautiful examples of stitched samplers in the V&A and wondered why quilters don’t seem to produce the same imagery. Perhaps it is because we ‘do’ our sample quilt very early on in our quilting careers when our colour sense and fabric choices haven’t been developed.


So when I discovered a verse in the bible (a little sideline here is that I didn’t actually find it in the bible but when I went to the good book to check, a Choysa tea coupon fell out – how long since they were a family collectible?) that is so appropriate for Kiwi quilters that I felt compelled to produce my new version of a sampler.

I want to share it with you so it will be The New Project. As before the cost is $5 per month but will only run for eight months so will cost a total of $35. techniques covered in the monthly lesson include foundation piecing, embroidery, appliqué, positive/negative appliqué and piecing.

The Quilted Sampler measures approximately 30x14 inches. I have done it in New Zealand colours (about a fat quarter of the three main ones) but that would be your choice.

NOW IS THE TIME TO SIGN UP                    

The first ‘class’ will go out next month but you have until the end of January to catch up with everyone.

By the way the Bible verse is:

She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. Proverbs 31:13


Wikipedia states - A (needlework) sampler is a piece of embroidery produced as a demonstration or test of skill in needlework. It often includes the alphabet, figures, motifs, decorative borders and sometimes the name of the person who embroidered it and the date. The oldest surviving samplers were constructed in the 15th and 16th centuries.





























Last call for prayer flags. My postal address is at the foot of my emails. Next month I will send a photo of them all a-hanging.


I have been so side-tracked by my Quilted Sampler that I have forgotten to tell you two quick things.

Fabric in the shop is all selling at $20 per metre – if I haven’t got what you want I can get it here from the USA in less than a week (most times)

And – BOOKINGS for next year are coming in now so be in quick. The cost for a weekend is $165 per person and includes all meals, accommodation and teaching from Friday night to Sunday afternoon – I’d love to see you here at my place.








Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Wholly Quilts September Newsletter

Wholly Quilts September Newsletter




Oh how I wish I had a better reason than age (and maybe sometimes occasionally a touch of alcohol) to blame on losing words. You all know what I mean!

There I was enjoying good food and wine with good friends and do you think I/we could find the right word. Friends were all of a similar age too but we had to wait for the late arrival of ‘son and younger brain’ to tell us you didn’t ‘embellish’ food. Mind you his lovely gal came up with ‘flourish’ before Jared put us all out of our misery with ‘garnish’. However I think, as a committed quilter ‘embellish’ is absolutely appropriate. Just as Lou thinks Jared finishes his creations off with a ‘flourish’.


The penultimate part of The Project goes out with this newsletter and I have already put the (slightly stretched and worn – see above) thinking cap on. I am quite excited about The Second Project and will tell you more as it evolves. Watch for the details and launch at the beginning of November.


You only have four weeks now to get your Prayer Flag in for contention. The best one wins a free Retreat at Wholly Quilts. Just to remind you the dimensions are (triangular) 15 inches across the top, 18 inches long and two inches on the point. They can me made any way you fancy but must be three layers (so they retain their form in the breeze) and have three one inch long loops sewn across the top (for hanging).


Sew n Soup sort of took a holiday during the winter months so now with longer evenings and better weather we will go again. On Friday September 25 at 5pm-ish to whenever we will have a go at Ooey Gooey Hugs, a quilt that has evolved from Ooey Gooey Hearts and I love it. In fact when I made the prototype I used up all, every single one of those five-inch swatches that have been hanging around for years and it does not matter if they are not exactly the correct size!

Cost of SnS is $20. Please let the catering department know.


In the interests of me practising my new classes on you I am going to start again with the Tuesday afternoon 1-3pm sessions. The first up is a One Fabric/One Patch class so if you want to join in, ask for the requirements.

Cost $10





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Wholly Quilts


Wholly Quilts August Newsletter



I have just come in from the garden where Spring is definitely lurking. Daffodils are a-blooming, weeds are starting to appear, the sun is definitely warmer and even a calf can be seen in the nearby paddocks. My daughter tells me she has three sets of twins in her wee flock of sheep. All of nature seems to be waiting for the ‘off’


I forgot to tell you that I had overcome my symposium blues and made an entry for NANZQ’s Illumination challenge (and won a merit award in the traditional category) and also got a piece in the World Quilt shows in America. More than enough to keep me grinning.


Prayer Flags are hanging in the studio now and look wonderful. Thanks to all those who have contributed to this. Still time to put your mark up there. I have a variety from bright appliquéd flowers and ‘my church’ to Kiwiana and pieced blocks. I understand there are even some in the making from the ‘women in prison stitchers’.

Speaking of such things - what a great cause for us to support with any extra fabric, batting or books etc. Let me know if you have any contributions and I will put you in touch with Lyn Dawson. She has just spent a weekend retreat with me and has a heap of stories to tell. Just one of the interesting quilters I have met here over the last three years – it makes running the retreats and classes so much fun.


The Project is nearing an end. I have finally got the prototype pieced. Those participating will have two more ‘episodes’ after today’s one and then receive the big reveal. The finished quilt is (about) 65x88 inches so a good size for a single bed.

I am working on the next project now so keep an eye out for that. It won’t be quite as big but you will have options to make it larger if wanted.





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wholly Quilts newsletter

Wholly Quilts July Newsletter



I have just come back from attending the Three Ms retreat in Long Bay and had forgotten how much you get out of such events. I couldn't wait to get back to my sewing machine and fabric stash. Mind you I get just as bigger buzz even when I do all the cooking too.


Prayer Flags have already started arriving in the studio including a pair of the genuine Nepalese flags (thank you Dianne). I would like them all here by the end of September.

They will be exhibited at our local club exhibition in November and used to raise funds for St Johns. The dimensions are (triangular) 15 inches across the top, 18 inches long and two inches on the point. They can me made any way you fancy but must be three layers ( so they retain their form in the breeze) and have three one inch long loops sewn across the top.


Open Retreat – there is still a couple of vacancies. Anyone else out there looking for a relaxing/creative/different weekend? Come with a like-minded friend or meet some new ones on the first weekend in August ie July 31 and August 1 and 2 I am going to have an open retreat here at Wholly Quilts. It must be time you treated yourself. To reserve your spot you will need to pay a $50 deposit.


Sew n Soup will be part of the open retreat and we'll be tackling a new Jelly Roll pattern on the night. Bring 2½-inch strips. As always if you prefer to do your own thing then that too is fine.

Cost is $20 and please warn the catering department of your intentions.





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...



Thursday, June 04, 2009

FW: Wholly Quilts

Natalie Murdoch
Wholly Quilts
Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678
9 Church Road, Mangatarata
RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news
that may or may not make the newsletter...

-----Original Message-----
From: Natalie Murdoch []
Sent: Thursday, 4 June 2009 1:59 p.m.
To: 'Natalie Murdoch'
Subject: Wholly Quilts

June Newsletter

I feel a little like White Rabbit – Oh dear! I shall be too late. Or not.
Problem is my puter has been on sick leave and now it (and me) is so cold my
fingers have forgotten where the keys are.

My lovely son came to the rescue but is threatening to withhold my computer
time cos I get so much other stuff done without it. And he is right – you
should see the garden. Have also caught up of lots of those little sewing
bits including the final five, yes five, instalments of The Project.

Soon after I bought the little church that is now my studio I read about the
Prayer Flags in Nepal. These are often found strung along mountain ridges
and peaks high in the Himalayas to bless the surrounding countryside or for
other purposes. I liked the idea of these brightly coloured panels and have
decided I would like a string of them to celebrate high days and holidays
here in Mangatarata. I have made two so far.
I would like to ask all of you to make me one and have the opportunity to
win a FREE RETREAT at Wholly Quilts.
The Prayer Flags will be exhibited at our local club exhibition in November
and used to raise funds for St Johns.
The dimensions are (triangular) 15 inches across the top, 18 inches long and
two inches on the point. They can me made any way you fancy but must be
three layers ( so they retain their form in the breeze) and have three one
inch long loops sewn across the top (for hanging). I have attached a photo
of mine to this newsletter.

Open Retreat - this offer has been taken up by a couple of ladies so far.
Anyone else out there looking for a relaxing/creative/different weekend. On
the first weekend in August ie July 31 and August 1 and 2 I am going to have
an open retreat here at Wholly Quilts. It must be time you treated yourself.
To reserve your spot you will need to pay a $50 deposit.

Sew n Soup won't be on this month as I am off on a busman's holiday. I am
going to the 3Ms retreat up norf so maybe will catch up with some of you

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Wholly Quilts newsletter

May Newsletter



I was right – I could get to like holidays. It is days like today when I realise that the fifth month of the year has started and I am still thinking about implementing one or some (or maybe none) of my New Year resolutions. Maybe this far on they can all wait until next year!!


I had a wonderful time at the Wellington symposium. I put some more names to faces, had fun in my classes, met a few of the lovely Australian tutors and generally had a ball.

I have to say the down side to it all was my reaction to the best of show blanket – I got a bad case of the ‘why bothers’. Why do I bother playing with all the beautiful fabrics that are available from the retailers and wholesalers; why do I bother making quilts that make my heart sing and inspire me with all the wonderful colours available; why do I bother teaching this wonderful craft when a blanket will do?

But I got over that and came home to finish off an entry for the NANZQ challenge ‘Illumination’ and another for the World Quilts and have almost stopped muttering about that other one.


Next month I am going to tell you about my new challenge. Given that my studio and classroom used to be a church I am going to issue a ‘Prayer Flag’ challenge. I will work on the dimensions and let you all know next time around. The winner will receive a free weekend retreat here at Wholly Quilts.


Open Retreat – I have had some enquiries regarding the minimum number needed for a retreat and I get the impression that there are a few quilters out there who don’t have quilting buddies but would like to come for a weekend. Now is your opportunity. On the first weekend in August ie July 31 and August 1 and 2 I am going to have an open retreat here at Wholly Quilts.

This is your chance to meet other quilters, get help with a project or start on a new one and be looked after for a weekend – just imagine it! No phone, no meals to prepare, no housework just sewing for as long as you want. It must be time you treated yourself.

To reserve your spot you will need to pay a $50 deposit.


Sew n Soup on Friday night May 29 will be Finishing School. We all have projects that have stalled for one reason or another – now is the time to get going on them with a bit of help and inspiration from others.


Part 9 of The Project is heading out to all participants today and to answer the question everyone seems to have – there are still 4 or 5 parts to go.





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...


Friday, April 03, 2009

Wholly Quilts newsletter

April Newsletter




I have had so many enquiries since I got back from my OE about Wholly Quilts and what goes on here that I thought I would bring you all up to date. It is so exciting – I love sharing my place and my space with you.



These are generally held over a weekend starting with a soup supper on Friday night through to Sunday afternoons. Cooking (especially for other people) is right up there with quilting and gardening as occupations I am passionate about. Many of the comments in my visitors’ book are about food and not quilting so … enjoy the best of local and seasonal food with me.

You can choose to work on your own quilty things over the weekend; do a structured class with me (most of my classes are on my cv pages on my website ; bring along any problem projects to get sorted or come with an open mind and be inspired to do something different. Maybe even start on an art quilt.

The classes are held in my studio which is a little old brick church or on the verandah, weather permitting. It is a most inspirational place to work.

I have been teaching quilting for 15 years including the last six national symposia, for guilds and clubs around the North Island and at night classes.

My gardening and cooking skills have not received any where near as many accolades as my quilts but I am working on that.

So for a cost of $165 per person you get two nights accommodation, you get fed regularly and well and you get as much guidance as your quilting needs.



I teach at my place or yours.

Generally the classes here are as required. I charge $50 per person for a day-long class that includes a country-style lunch.

Tuesday afternoons are available for a quilting bee. Again you can bring your own project, start a new one or just be inspired. Cost is $10 for a two-hour session.

The last Friday night of each month is set aside for Sew n Soup. I set a project for the night and you get a soup supper for $20 each. However there are always exceptions to this plan and I can see a couple coming up in the coming months.


I am off to Wellington Symposium next week and that is really exciting too. I have three quilts in the exhibitions and am teaching for four days. I do hope I get to put more faces to names while I am there.

My old home town of Nelson beckons after so I will be spending a few days with my sister before heading home – I could get to like holiday mode!


I reminder here for any of you that haven’t yet enrolled for Hamilton’s mini-symposium In Stitches. I am teaching for three days there over Queen’s Birthday weekend.


Part 8 of The Project is going out with this newsletter just to keep you all out of mischief.





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...


Monday, March 02, 2009

Wholly Quilts newsletter



March Newsletter




I am writing this while my studio/church is full of retreaters frenetically trying to finish projects at the end of their weekend with me.

After being away from this atmosphere for three months it is fabulous being ‘back’. I didn’t really appreciate how much fun it is being surrounded by quilty friends and quilty stuff though the time spent with family was glorious.


My first six weeks away was with my son, Ethan. Every day we scampered around different parts of London or had several days in Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall and Paris. Ethan talked about ‘five a day’ but it didn’t have anything to do with the food pyramid – it was five miles a day walking around the sights.


Some of the highlights for me were:

            Being with Ethan – he left New Zealand 13 years ago and I have had to be happy with ‘visits’ ever since

            The great line up of chimney pots along the tops of the old terrace houses

            Watching the pomp and ceremony as the Queen made her way to open parliament.          Gazing open-mouthed at the reading room in Trinity Library in Dublin (almost the same reaction to the old Bodleain Library at Oxford University)

            Being overwhelmed (and that happened often) by the crowds in Portabella Markets

            Being with Ethan

            Kissing the Blarney Stone and the muddiness of Ireland

            Visiting Kew Gardens, Victoria and Albert, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Tower of London, Borough Markets, live theatre, eating out

Riding the Underground everywhere

            Driving around Cornwall on roads that barely qualify as one-way – if the hedgerows weren’t coming at you through the car windows then the pedestrians in places like St Ives or Fowey had to leap into doorways to get out of harm’s way.

            I adored the Lost Gardens of Heligan and felt slightly let down by the Eden Project    

            Christmas Day spent picnicking in Ethan’s house with my sister and family over from Dallas – and no I didn’t have a white or even ‘slushy’ Christmas

            Standing on both sides of the Greenwich dateline (as you do) and then walking under the Thames

            Hogmanay in Edinburgh

            The amazing age of buildings on the Royal Mile and, of course, Edinburgh Castle

            Grey Friars Bobby – knowing that my daughter would love his story and then finding that he died on her birthday

            The crowds and languages and different ethnicities

            The variety and freshness of food available in shops and restaurants

And then there was Paris

Up at 4am-ish to catch the train and in the 30-odd hours spent there and my French spelling is as bad as my French speaking) we Did the fabric streets of Montmatre, Sacre Couer, Moulin Rouge, the Arc de Triumphe, Eiffel Tower, a cruise on the Seine, breakfast in the Latin Quarter, the Nationale Muse du Clune, Notre Dame, the beautiful Saint Chappelle, the Louvre and back to London for my last night there before flying to Dallas and my sister, Jilli. I stayed with her for a four week holiday

I did though spend three days at a Fabric Camp where we were shown how to date fabrics and we got to play with old, old quilts – one was over 240 years old.


And now it is back to quilting – retreats, teaching, The Project and playing in my studio.              


Friday night’s sew n soup will start again on March 27 with a machine quilting session that is guaranteed to overcome all fears. Call me to register and find out the requirements. The cost has gone up to $20 - sorry.


Tuesday afternoon session will start next Tuesday. You can come along and do your own thing, start one of my techniques or quilts or just enjoy a sit and sew. Cost is $10 for two hours.


Retreat bookings are coming in now. I want to hold the prices as long as I can so $160 per person per weekend includes all food, accommodation and top tutoring. I would love to see you here.


Part 7 of The Project is going out with this newsletter so I do hope you are all ready and waiting. I have seen a number of these now and it is interesting how some are doing appliqué or drawing instead of the stitching – everyone looks totally different.





Natalie Murdoch


Wholly Quilts

Ph 07 867 3085 or Cell 0210 2231 678

9 Church Road, Mangatarata

RD6 Thames 3576 - my blog, where you can read the latest news that may or may not make the newsletter...